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SVS Curriculum Provision


  1. Aims


  • The aims of the provision are to offer provision for students to access education through alternative learning methods and environments.

  • The curriculum is coherent and flexible, able to meet individual learner needs and encourage progression. There is a consistent and explicit focus on learning, encouraging students to take increasing responsibility for their own learning.

  • The curriculum has been designed to enable students who have struggled to achieve within a traditional school setting or are new arrivals to the UK to become:

  • Successful learners who enjoy and achieve.

  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.

  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

  • ​The philosophy behind our provision is flexibility and choice and provides opportunities for young people to develop self-belief in their own abilities.

  • Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils that’s coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge for skills and future learning and employment.

  • Provide subject choices that support pupils’ learning and progression, and enable them to work towards achieving their goals.

  • Provide a broad curriculum prioritising a strong academic core of subjects.

  • Develop pupils’ independent learning skills and resilience, to equip them for further/higher education and employment and adult life.





  • The focus of this curriculum is the progress of the individual from their starting point, hence the inclusion of learning beyond the classroom as well as within.  SVS offers the opportunity for individuals to undertake a range of GCSEs, these will be subject to starting points when joining SVS and initial and continuous assessments. Levels and predicted grades will be discussed with parents/guardians and host schools during parents/guardians Days or separate meetings as requested.


​3.Curriculum Plan
  • Learning hours will be divided between the subjects listed above and Enrichment Activities which make a vital contribution to the social and emotional development of our young people.

  • It is intended that the student will be integrated into a mixed group of numbers between 4 and 18 students with access to 1-on-1 support if needed. Each year group has 25 hours of learning per week.


4.Curriculum Overview


At SVS we believe that a diverse curriculum is essential to provide our students with choice and flexibility, and to prepare them for the next stage in their learning. We have designed our offer at all Key Stages with this in mind. We have been particularly active in retaining a broad and balanced curriculum offer for our Year 11 and Year 12 within the context of year round on/off registration. It is important to note that majority of students attending/arriving at the school have missed out a significant amount of formal education. In some cases, this has been for considerable amount of time, resulting in significant gaps in their attainment, knowledge and skills.


The curriculum is delivered through teaching and learning across all subject areas. All departments are required to have schemes of work within their departmental documentation/handbooks. These are audited by the Head of Curriculum and Director of Quality and Learning termly and updated annually. Every subject makes a contribution to the learning experience; however the aim is to present a coherent curriculum rather than a series of unconnected learning experiences. Click for Subject overview.


Teaching throughout the school encourages participation, curiosity and creativity. Developing students’ capacity to become genuinely independent learners both inside and outside of the classroom, is embedded in our practice.


Homework is considered an integral part of the learning experience and is set for all subjects and Year groups.

4.1 Key Stage 3


At Key Stage 3 we offer students a diverse curriculum upon which they can confidently build their knowledge, skills and understanding at Key Stage 4.


Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught as separate sciences, in order to fully immerse students in the subjects from the start of Key Stage 3.


Other core curriculum subjects taught in Key Stage 3 include: English, Mathematics, Citizenship and ICT.


Lessons of PSHE and RE are taught in form groups once per week and delivered by the Form Tutor.


4.2 Key Stage 4


At Key Stage 4 almost all students follow an academic curriculum with GCSE and Functional Skills subjects.


KS4 Pathways


All students will follow a pathway which best meets their individual ability and skills to ensure that every student has the opportunity to achieve his or her potential. SVS as a matter of policy ensures that all our pupils will leave with qualification and a secure progression route.


The pathway that a student will follow is based upon a wide range of variables including Key Stage 2 Levels, school reports and initial diagnostic assessments.


There are two main pathways – Progress (GCSE) and Foundation (FS). It is very important that students’ choices give them a balanced curriculum to ensure they develop a wide range of skills and knowledge. They will need a range of subjects with a strong academic core that leave the way open to as many career and further educational routes as possible as their ideas change and develop.


Details of all qualifications are provided in Annex B, including an overview of topics studied, details of assessment and links to the exam board.


In addition to accredited qualifications, all students will have a lesson of Core PE each week and study Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Religious Studies (RE) throughout the year, during Tutor Time. Enrichment classes on literacy and numeracy are also offered twice a week after school by subject leads.

Pathways Overview
4.3 Progress for All


Students are supported in their studies through subject mentoring schemes (intervention), additional revision classes during February and May half-terms, and one to one tutorial support (in progress).


By way of reasonable adjustment for students with additional learning needs, a number of intervention classes which are taught by respective subject specialists with SEN support are available. The aim of this adaptation is to support the acquisition of key skills vital for future success across the curriculum whilst also retaining close alignment with our international curriculum ethos.


Individual guidance is also on hand from our dedicated mentors and pastoral staff. At every stage, the students’ wellbeing and progress are monitored by form tutors, subject staff and Curriculum Head while the Management Information System (MIS) provides parents access to the timetable, attendance, reports to enable parents to oversee their child’s work and gain an understanding of their day to day commitments and learning. 


5. Inclusion


Teachers set high expectations for all pupils. They will use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets and plan challenging work for all groups, including:


  • More able pupils

  • Pupils with low prior attainment

  • Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds

  • Pupils with SEN

  • Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL)


Teachers will plan lessons so that pupils with SEN and/or disabilities can study every National Curriculum subject, wherever possible, and ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving.


Teachers will also take account of the needs of pupils whose first language is not English. Lessons will be planned so that teaching opportunities help pupils to develop their English, and to support pupils to take part in all subjects.


Further information can be found in our statement of equality information and objectives, and in our SEN policy and information report.


6. Monitoring arrangements

The principal together with the Curriculum Lead monitor the way the subjects are taught throughout the school by:


  • Class observations

  • Planning scrutinies

  • Learning walks

  • Book scrutinies

  • Pupil Views

  • Data analysis from bi-termly assessments


The principal together with the Curriculum Lead also have responsibility for monitoring the way in which resources are stored and managed.


See SVS Curriculum Overview- KS3 and KS4 Pathways for further information.


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